
What the fuck? Why I am still up? It's been two days and still no sleep. I almost slept earlier but just as i was about to pass out my friend called me from Iraq and went on about how shitty it is over there, I couldn't exactly tell him to fuck off, and that I needed sleep, so I just listened to him and told him I hope he makes it back alive. Then I went off to take a midterm , which I probably failed. I was hoping I could catch the bus home and sleep, but I couldn't. Instead I ended up cutting some tracks from a few pirate sessions. The sun went down and I thought maybe now it will happen, almost did too. But, no. Someone's pounding at my door telling me its time to go out and drink, and I can never turn that down. So now here I am, 3am, drinking Southern Comfort from the bottle and typing. Hopefully I can catch a nap between now and my Politics and Film class tommorrow, I'll probably just end up sleeping through the film tommorrow in class. That would be good, I already have to meet someone right after that at the bar to begin a crazy day and night of partying because we're celebrating three friends birthdays tommorrow. Fuck if I stay up until then I better cop some blow and get laid just to calm my nerves. Insomnia's healthy right? Good luck i say to myself, and with that I'll leave you with some words from Mr. Happy Harry Hard On:
"Drugs are out, sex is out, politics are out, everthing is on hold, I mean we definitely need something new. I just keep waiting for some new voice to come out of somewhere, and just say 'Hey! What is wrong with this picture'? Just take a look around."
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