School's A Drag.

Well, I've had some fun the past week. Outside of my regular routine of going to bars or clubs almost every night, there's been a couple of keggers, some drugs thrown in for good measure, went to a rap show at Big Fish Pub (I wished it was a grime show the whole time I was there and ended up leaving without telling the girls I was with), had sex with multiple partners, went and saw one of the biggest fountains in the country, ran into an old dealer I hadn't seen in months (He told me he was going into a halfway house the next day), had a rowdy night with a friend from back east, got some time in at the pool hall, actually got to relax for a few hours at the local OTB with some beers and watch football, had some regular plain old sex, etc., etc., the list goes on, too much to list.... But anyways the point is no school work has been accomplished. I'm really gonna have to try not to go out until Friday, probably Thursday. I've got two papers due on Monday, both for online courses I do no work in, so the work must be done now. I've also got a big test soon in Philosophy that will probably determmine whether I pass or not. After this weekend I have a lot plans to do things that have nothing to do with school, and that will last for two or three weeks. So basically it's do the work in the next couple of days or fail the semester (except for a politics and film class). So as the title of this post pointed out already, school is a fucking drag.
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