I've Been...

desmasiado frio... translation: too cold. I've been too cold in New Jersey for a couple weeks now, riding out my pre-determined destiny here. It's been what it should be, I've been making it work, but it proves to be more than I know. I always knew that my future lie in the tri-state, but I didn't always know the key to my success would come from the least expected liason. So here I am, freezing my dick off, in dick pants, covered by work pants, wearing four layers over my work coat for weeks, yet the night I derobe my work gear and head out to a power dinner; I find that it not come from my customers at Deal, not from my Goldamn Sachs brother-in-law, but yet from my legacy bearing in advertising father. Well, it comes. A casual dinner, a theoretical conversation, we speak on it, and I sell the better salesman, on what? On me. I sold. He bought. He believes I'm better. Ready to introduce me to the head of the apparently not propaganda Fox News marketing dept., the VP of ABC/ESPN sales, and the local syndicate head of Fox NYC. The prodigal fuckup ready to make the prodigious bucks? Here we are, and there we are. What a world, eh? However, more wild oats need to be sown. A PHX year will not be discounted. A six month Sur American sabbatical will not go without being had. A fuller life will be digested before a house in the hills with moves being made will be had. House in the hills? Big dream for a little guy. After, the initial initiation hard work will be done, but by five years in, I will make it, I will make it big. Hopefully, head of the Latin American Adverising Dept. at an anonymous network--of course after the NAU becomes reality--where cowboy rules will still be allowed and tolerated, so I can enjoy a late 60s, early 70s, Madison Avenue type paradigm, in an albeit more stressful, yet more tropical climate. I guess I'm halfway done to learning Spanish for a reason. Here's to us... and here's to me... Cheers mate.
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