
Fucking tweaked right now. No doubt about it. I'm in the middle of a savage alertness that can only be brought on by the crystal, meth that is. Stayed up all last night, without the aid of drugs. Took a brief nap in the afternoon, almost awakening too late for a date I had at six. However, I made it up in the nick of time, long enough for a shower, getting dressed, couple cups of Yerba Mate, one vodka tonic, and out the door. Got to PF Changs, a little pricey for my usual deal, but hey, sometimes it doesn't hurt to act as if. Food, good. Conversation, good. Came back here afterword. Had a couple drinks. More good talk. She leaves. See her again this weekend. These things are never expeditious on a weekday. After she leaves I start getting into some more beer, listening to music, very loud. Eventually I'm halfway into a nap on the couch, when... Knock, knock, the two squatters who use to hang around in the apartment above me are at my door. They want to hang out, I oblige them. Soon enough we're smoking glass, smoking pot, taking shots of liquor, and even snorting some glass. This goes on for about six hours, while most of the time the guy is drawing his artwork in fierce determination, afterwhich I scanned most of his stuff and he even gave one of his original pieces, which a copy of is in the heading of this post. Meanwhile the girl and I are taking shots, looking through her stuff, and having one of the most philosophical, esoteric, and hard to follow conversations of my life. It's as if this girl speaks in a different language, where at first to the casual observer it would seem that she is just insane and jabbering nonsense. Not true though, if you can pick up on it, there is a consistency to the inconsistency. It was basically like a foreign language, but she had some great ideas, or maybe I'm just really tweaked out. They recently left and went to their squat, and now here I am, no sleep in sight. It's good anyway, I've got some things to attend to today and I can't afford to sleep all day, as per usual. Hopefully I can stay up until tonight and go to bed at a normal hour for the first time in while.
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