
I’ve just died again
And returned to life again
Mangled steel
Bloody hands
These digital distractions
Cause near fatal infractions
Crawling through the shattered glass of the night
Into the wide open world
Killing all evidence of identity
And running through the icy streets
Discarding dreams into the frozen river
And stumbling through the woods of a desolate night
Only to emerge into railroad spikes
And superhighways of the businessman
Stranded in parking lots of tireless work
Only before jumping into the silver caravan of safety
And where does this caravan take me?
Right back into the seed of my personal hell
Imploding into public spaces where near death is laughed about
But only by the culprit himself
Once out of the net of the law
More arbitrary laws are broken
And my soul is being shaken to the core of its being
And I realize that I’ve been cheating time
Now a breakdown is on the way.
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