Weekend News

Thursday, thursday....thursday. What happened then? Can't be entirely sure. I remember writing up the last post on here, then for the middle chunk of the night I'm just not sure. I think I may have gone to the hookah bar, maybe I had some people over here, or maybe I just sat around drinking forties by myself. Who knows? It's just too fuzzy. Come around 3am on that night I do remember. Lillian came by for a couple of hours after she got off of work. We smoked a bunch of bud, etc., she went home, I slept.
About eight hours later, she is sending me a text message to see if I want to go out on Mill to get some lunch. Sure, why not. So, I shower up, get dressed and head over to the bus stop. I get there, and school must have just gotten out, because the bus stop is mobbed with fourteen year olds, who turned an almost empty bus into a packed tin of sardines. I get on, and the driver was a total cocksucker that I had to stand next to for most of the ride; two girls come by with a micro-cassette recorder and ask me to make the weirdest sound I can think of for them, I tell them 'It's too early for me, maybe later.' Then some other guy comes up to me and says 'Hey man, did anyone ever tell you that you look like the boss.' "Thanx man, I actually grew up in the town right next to Springsteen." Man, the people out here in the valley really like to chat it up on public transportation, it's just not like the subway in New York. Anyways, I'm off the bus and walking up to Starbucks to meet Lillian, I'm running about ten minutes late, and her five minutes later. We decide to go over to Zuma Grill for lunch (ohhh.... fish and chips). The sun hasn't even set and the beer drinking has already begun. After lunch, we head next door to the Cue Club, her neighbor happens to be playing at the table next to us, so we hang out with them for awhile and play some pool. By this point, I've switched from beer to Red Bull and Vodka. I've also realized that the international Guiness toast was on for that night, so I began to start sending out messages to rally up the troops over to the Cue Club. Probably sometime around eight, Viki and Ricky show up, they wanted to eat some dinner, so we went back next door to Zuma with them. We hang for awhile, more alcohol is consumed, and then Lillian and I decide to catch the bus back to my place so we can blaze some gear. We get back, smoke a couple quick bowls, and Matt is downstairs with Jim and Stephanie waiting for us so we can go back to the Cue Club. We get back, I'm wasted by now, a bunch of people were there, and I don't even remember who half of them were. By the time the Guiness toast rolled around Viki and I were so drunk we missed it because we were sitting outside smoking despite the numerous warnings from others that it was about to happen. I guess at some point around midnight Lillian and I took a cab back to my place. We hung out for a bit, listened to music, and smoked some more gear. Eventually, she got a cab home. After she left I went over to Carmen's place to see what she was up to, she was sleeping, since she had work at 6am, so I just talked to her a few minutes and confirmed when she wanted to meet up on Sunday. Probably around two now, I headed next door to the hookah bar, so I could score some takeaway. Over there, while I'm waiting for my gyro, I run into Seth and Nancy, and I tell them to come over whenever they finish smoking. When I get back, Jim is back too, so after my gyro, we start drinking some more. Then Nancy comes by, so we start smoking some bud again. Seth comes by with a buddy of his, and he's obviously wasted. Then he tries to bring about six guys into my place, but it's a no go. So, he leaves, Nancy leaves, then Jim and decide it would probably be best to get some sleep, considering we had to be up in a few hours to go to a barbeque at Viki's place.
Saturday around noon I'm waking up to a phone call from Craig. 'Hey man, I'll be over in about an hour to pick you up.' I get in the shower to wash away the hangover from the previous night; it didn't work that well. Craig gets here, Jim and I get in, we pickup Lillian, hit the freeway, and we arrive at Viki's place. After a couple of beers, my hangover subsided. Then we just did the typical BBQ thing; beers, meat, and classic rock. Viki's place is pimped though; full gym, grills, volleyball, hot girls, hot tub, and a sick pool. Come seven it was time to head back into Tempe. Craig and Lillian decided to go home, Jim was too wasted to leave his apartment, so I was left to figure out the rest of the night for myself. Carmen wasn't home, so that was out. However, I ran into Layla, Samir, and Jess on the stairwell. Layla invited me to a party, I accepted. After about an hour she came down to my place, we had a couple of drinks, then went next door to the hookah bar to get some dinner. There we ran into some more people who were also going to the party. After eating we came back to Apache and went upstairs to get our ride. Our ride to the party involved having to go to Native New Yorker and waiting for Jess and two other guys to eat their dinners. But hey, we finally made it. As soon as we get there we signed up for the beer pong game going on in the center of the room. While we waited I saw Derik and Tommy in the bedroom scamming on some chick, which was funny. Then I spot Seth on the other side of the room, and he was so drunk the night before he totally forgot he was at my place that night. So, we hang out for a awhile, play some beer pong, have some laughs, the cops come (fuck that), played some more beer pong and left. We go back to the hookah bar with more people. Hang there for awhile, smoke much shisha, and then draw whoever's still around over to my place. At this point there's probably about eight people over here, drinking, smoking, listening to music. Then my buddy comes through with some blow, we're in the bedroom right away; cut, cut, scrape, scrape, sniff, sniff, aaahhhh.... We all hang out for awhile more, everyone leaves but Tommy, Layla, and Samir. We sit around longer watching videos and bullshitting. Samir goes back upstairs, then Layla, Tommy and I head over to the Orange Store. We chill there for awhile, I get to read New Times for the upcoming gigs, then we all go to our respective homes, and see a nice deep purple sunrise on the way back. I'm getting ready to pack it in, when my buddy with the blow comes back. So, that turns into staying up for another two hours and having a long discussion about cultures, making money, and politics. Come ten-thirty, I'm in bed.
I wakeup around three-thirty feeling like hell. If the excessive pot smoking and alcohol abuse of the previous three days wasn't enough, my heart felt like it was going to blow out of my chest. Why? I can guess. The coke must have been cut with meth. I take a shower, no comfort. I go to Carmen's to see when she wants to go to the Social Distortion show, she says, 'around six-thirty, we're just hanging out drinking now if you want to come in.' I barely spit out the words "nah.... I'm.. just gonna... chill at my place....be back round then." I come back and wallow in my death. Come six-thirty, I'm strongly contemplating not going. I had tried eating and drinking beer to come around, but it wasn't working. So I'm thinking I'll just not go over there and maybe they'll leave without me. No dice, Carmen comes to my place at six-thirty. We hangout for a bit, and I start to feel better. She makes me a shot, and I puke it up immediately; it made me feel better though, so by now I was ready to do this. We go over to her place to meet up with the other two people we're going with. Hang for a bit, drink more, get a cab. We get to Marquee Theatre, and they made us take our shoes off like we were at the airport. What's up with that. Well, we get in, have a few shots, Red Bull/Vodkas; OK, I'm drunk now. Social D comes out to a sell-out crowd, that was going wild. I've been to many shows, but I gotta give it up to Social D, they were damn good, they even did a five song encore that closed with a cover of 'Ring Of Fire'. Also, the whole time, Carmen was all over me, kissing me in front of her recent ex-boyfriend's roomate. We get back to Apache, get more drunk, more of Carmen all over me, and then the other two leave. As soon as they do, she takes her pants off. And then without giving me more than fifteen seconds to make a move, she puts 'em back on, and says I should go. Hahahahaha.... By the way, when she's drunk, let's just say she can be a tad unstable. So I walk out into the hallway with her, and she says 'you don't know how to treat a woman, you're all talk.' So I say "maybe you're just impatient." I go in to kiss her, and she turns her head the other way. So I just laugh, and say goodnight, she slams her door. By the time I'm at the bottom of her stairs, I hear her door open back up, I turn around, and there she is asking me to come back up. I do, we start to make out on the couch. But, her drunkeness has taken hold and she is basically passing out. Fucking typical. I get a call on my phone, and take it out in the hallway. After I'm done, I come back in, and try to get her up, so she can lock the door behind me. It's not happening. Then she starts to hiccup like she's about to be sick. Great... so I carry her into bed and comfort her until the sickness subsides, and then I end up passing out myself..... Then.... 5am..... alarm.... BEEP!BEEP!BEEP!BEEP!.... go home and sleep.
oo i was the call in the hallway...
fucking special
those sure are a lot of o's. I wonder, will you have enough faces to go along with those o's next time i see you. I certainly hope so....
haha, whatev....
when is that going to be anyways?
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