Flashback '98

January 3, 1998
i haven't written in this thing in a while just cause all I've been doing is getting fucked up at parties and all types of ill shit. Also, because all this journal is really about is bitches and money. Well, let's get to the fucking point of why I'm writing this entry. A few days ago on one of my crusades to get fucked up I met this girl Nikki. She gave me a ride home, and that was the last i thought I'd ever see of her. Well, New Year's Eve I decided I would drink at Sabo's, even though I wanted to go to the Homegrown's. Well, she was there, and ya know, I was jus chillin, gettin my drink on, and Sabo tells me she wants to get wit me. So, i just say "whatever". Well, the whole fuckin night everyone is telling me to get wit this girl, but I decided not to and that was that. Now the next day she calls me herself and says "Do you wanna hang out with all of us tonight?" So I say "Well, I got some shit I gotta do till 9, then I'll beep Bill and we'll chill." So what I did was dick her over to drink beer with Scott, Bruce, and Susan. Tonight I went down to the Exxon station to chill with Dan and Bill, then she shows up and she's on me like white on rice. By the time we leave the gas station, I'm thinkin she's a nice girl, and I drive down to the pool hall wit her. Now we get down to the pool hall, and she's lickin my neck, blowin in my ear, rubbin me, kissin me, huggin me, and all that shit. She's tellin everyone to tell me that she wants to fuck me. I wasn't in the mood, so I just said tommorow night I'll fuck her rotten. Well, tommorow night is tonight, because it's 6 in the fuckin morning; aren't I the insomniac. Ya know, everytime I see the girl I like her more and more. This is a possible girlfriend, I think i want more than a fuck this time, because I really like being with her. Well, I'm sure I'll know all about this tonight. I'll report back within 24 hours. Peace.
January 4, 1998
Late last night i made a phone call to Nikki, because I didn't hang out with her last night because Billy told her i wanted to hang out with Bruce instead. So I was pissed at Billy for that, because last night sucked, all we did was sit in Bruce's driveway and drink. I was pissed because I wasn't doing what I wanted to last night. I also could've went to the city late last night with Bruce, Billy, and these four other girls, but I decided to go home and call Nikki instead. We talked for about an hour and she said she'd call me again tonight and that she wanted to hang out with again tommorow. Well, I guess I'll write back then.
March 1, 1998
I haven't written in such a long time because I lost this damn thing. Well, I started going out with Nikki Jan. 10 and then dumped her Jan. 20. Then on Feb. 5 we fucked and started going out again on Feb. 13. Last week she came over at 6:00 am before school and I fucked her while she left on her Catholic school girl outfit, it was cool as hell. We've been fucking like crazy. I just fucked her like an hour ago. I saw Michele tonight; I've been thinking about her lately. Me and the boys were supposed to get a stripper tonight, but we didn't have enough loot. I've been hangin out with the SJV crew lately and we've been gettin into fights and goin to Hooters and shit like that, they're some funny muthafuckas. I'm going to sleep...
March 8, 1998
Wasup. I dumped Nikki a few days ago. I just don't like her as much as I used to, and I've fucked her enough too. Last night I got trashed, it was great. Bruce is going out with Pam now, she's cool, I like her. I hung out with the SJC tonight. I gotta go. Bye.
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