A Rogue Night

I had just returned from New York. My apartment was hot and stagnant, littered with the remains of a party I had thrown a few hours before I left ten days earlier. Was I going to clean it up? No. I had just endured a shitty flight, during which, I was very drunk, and vomited during the descent. What I needed was sleep, and I was going to get it. I spent the rest of the day sleeping on the couch, tossing and turning, while half-heartedly watching television.
I come to when the sun is setting, and remember I was supposed to go to the Rogue that night. I shower. After which, I drink several vodka and tonics. Closer to nine now, Dan comes over. He says he wants to come, so he begins to take several iced-down double shots of vodka. He then goes over to King Tut’s, and I tell him I’ll call him when our ride arrives. In a short while, Liz calls to let me know that her and Julie are on their way. I call Dan; he walks back over. On the way, we listen to Bloc Party, while Dan and I laugh giddily in the backseat; we drank about eight shots of vodka apiece. We park the car down the street and walk on in. Once inside, I spot Rikki right off, he’s drinking at the bar right near the door. I slap him on the back of the head, and pull up the stool right next to him. The girls get a couple of light drinks, while Dan and I proceed to pound bourbon and Cokes. The liquor takes hold, and we start to get a little more rowdy at the bar. ‘Cherry Cola’ comes on, which prompts Rikki to hit me in the arm a few times, and then bust out a few random lines of verse; he repeats this several times over the course of the song, Dan and I are slapping each other around as well. Then Dan kicks it into overdrive; he begins to order several full size bourbon and cokes, and then slam them like shots; big mistake. After this, he pulls Julie on stage to dance. Up on stage Dan begins to go through the gyrations of a drunken soul, and Julie is baffled. Back at the bar, Liz and I are pointing and laughing, especially at the point where Dan starts all-out humping her on stage. It was then that we decided to go up there and run interference. Liz grabs Julie and starts to dance. While Dan and I start pushing each other around, and falling in our drunkenness. After a couple of minutes, we sauntered back down to the bar for more drinks. I walk around, and bump into Rikki again; we talk for a few minutes. He offers me some blow; I decline. He gets on me again about how I need to be the lead singer of his band; I tell him to call me later in the week. I walk back over to Liz and Julie; by now, Dan has disappeared, he was last seen dancing with a random girl on stage. For about another hour, we have more drinks, Julie and I flirt a bit, then we walk outside, getting ready to leave. I call Dan; no answer. Julie and I start to make out in the parking lot; Liz says she doesn’t mind. Just when we are about to leave, Dan resurfaces. We all pile back in the car, and head to my place. Dan is completely wasted next to me in the backseat, unable to keep his head up. We ride back in silence. Liz drops us off and says she is going to her friend Chastity’s place. We climb the stairs to my place, and Dan stays outside on the steps, unable to function in his drunkenness. Julie and I begin to fool around on the couch. After about ten minutes of this, her phone rings, and I stupidly suggest that she answers it while I go to check on Dan. He’s still out there, head between knees. When I come back in, Julie tells me that Liz called up one of her friends, who in turn called her, and said that Liz was very upset about Julie and I hooking up. Then she tells me that she can’t do this with me, because of her allegiance to Liz. She walks out and over to the curb near the entrance to my place. I follow and ask her how long she has to wait for her ride. “Half an hour.” I tell her “Don’t be silly, come back in and wait.” She does. Once inside, I persuade her to fool around a little more, but because of that phone call, it doesn’t go that far. When her ride shows up, I walk her out, and discover that Dan, along with his car, has disappeared. After Julie leaves, I go on a search for Dan. I check Tut’s; no dice. I go over to Campus Pointe and check Bill’s; no dice. I call him a couple times; no dice. The guy really shouldn’t be driving around that drunk, especially when he already has a DUI, but what can I do. Back at my place, I make some greasy food, watch some videos, and sleep.
The next day Dan calls me up around noon. “What happened last night?” “What do you remember?” “The last thing I remember is dancing on stage with you guys at the Rogue. Then I woke up today in my bed, with an unknown white residue all over my clothes.” “Oh shit son. Well, I saw you dancing around with some random, then you disappeared for an hour. Then we drove back to my place, where you sat on the steps absolutely annihilated. Then you took your car and disappeared again… Way to drive while in a blackout buddy.” “Fuck. That’s no good.”
what a night to remember
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