Take Warning

So, I've been back in town since the twentieth, and much has happened. I've partied almost every day since then, and now school has started. So, I imagine the partying will slow down a bit, but not too much, which leads me to believe that the posts will slow down a bit as well. As far as a post about the previous ten days, I can sum it up in two words...
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Sorry folks, but that's just the way it's got to be. It's been one of those times where I'd have to omit at least eighty percent of it, so it's just not worth it; it just wouldn't do it justice. There's too many people I know who read this thing for me to do such a post, it just wouldn't be prudent. However, I've figured out a way to get it out there; delayed posting. So, I've written the post. But, I'm not going to post it until the time is right. Could be two weeks, could be a month, could be three months. Who knows? Wait and see. Hopefully this next week won't be similar to the last ten days, and I'll get something up there very soon. Until then, deal with my random nonsense posts, and if you like the grime posts, one of those should be around shortly.
Now, on a more serious note.....

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