State of My Union

I really don't know what's been going on lately. Well, I guess I do, and here it is... I'm in love. Yes. Me. The scumfuck you've been reading about for the past few months is no more, or dormant, or whatever. Yes, believe it fuckers, this is the way things are. I was reading the past entries on here earlier, and it's apparent why I've been nearly absent for the past few months. How can I go from what I wrote to what I do now, simply put, it would be less interesting. To you that is. It is interesting to me, yet esoteric, therefore boring to you. I mean who wants to hear about someone else being in love, it's sickening, especially to those of you who long for it. So, what the fuck has happened here? I met someone. This happened right after one of my New York excursions, late May. It started off as the usual game that I play, that one that some of you are familiar with. The first month it went along, her, other girls, the same routine. I'd say it was mid July, things had become jarred. I found myself not wanting to be with all the other available girls,--and there were many--just her. She moved in. She was a good woman. Cleaned the place. Cooked. Laundry. Adored me. Just a good woman in all. It was shortly after that, the other women were cut off. I didn't want them. The drinking was still there, habit mostly, but would drop off a lot in the next month. The partying was dropping off. Sometime after the start of August I went to New York. I was there, she was in Arizona. I missed her, she missed me. I loved her, she loved me. It was obvious. This last trip was not the same. Why? I knew. It was her. I had sex staring me in the eyes one morning. Burning my iris. I resisted. Why? Love. Love my friends. It can be strong. After my departure, I came back and it was strong, the love that is. And it still is. This seems to be the way things are now. So, here we are, the storyteller you once knew, and maybe a couple of you loved is la morte. Will he come back? No. At least not in the same form. Who knows when this relationship will end, if ever. But, if and when that does happen, the game will not be the same. Why? We evolve. We go through phases. This is life. We go through ups and downs. Vallies and peaks. Wildness and calmness. Sanity and eccentricity. It may come back high, but different. The second phase. The third phase. The fourth phase. Who knows?. I've lost count. Point being, a new one will arise, but different. So, for those of you who enjoyed the stories of the reckless drinking and man-whoring, disappointment awaits you. I think those days have passed. But hey, I may occasionally throw up an un-posted story from those days, they are fun. But don't misunderstand, I will continue to post on here, just things of a different nature. I do like that photo thing i just did earlier, new, intersting. Also, grimeheads, a new mixtape will be dropping soon, and I'll start to post random shit up here like I used to, it has just seemed pointless lately due to the advent of some new quality forums, but for those of you who don't access that shit, you still need my help. So, there it is, another American's state of the union address. And, who wants to listen to the other guys anyway, did anyone even vote for him?
sweet, im all for love.
I'm glad to see you've calmed down. Hopefully this girl has got you back on track. Be good, friend. BTW, I wasn't offering.
wasn't talkin bout you
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