like I CARe..>>...

i swam in a BAY today and it blew my mind. well not really, it was close to a bay, well adjacent actaully, you know, about twenty feet away, close though. In a hot tub you know, about 110 dgrees, hot, strong jets, and we drink cocktails here, strong ones, the ones with vodka and carbonated water, you know, those ones. anD THIS Was after the Rodriguean pork and the ceviche. Now it was like memories had jarred. aS in stuff like Mexico, the tricks and pimping it took to get there. A week in Tempe, a week with the new wife.... whaTEVER that means., maybe a couple parties, maybe a fucked apartment, maybe an old friend. Then deserts and rivers and mountains. Some thaI FOOD and strip joints, some shitty paying for the son lunch. Into A fucked off security checkpoint, no gel, no liquids, no freedom, but drinks in the terminal. Flights into Philly, no real delay like the rest of the country, but fuck those fuckin fucks. stranded @ airports, leaving to suck on vaporizers. into philly,... old city... for like dinner you know, fuckface. fucked up now;... moving on, into new jersey... central jersey that is.. hightstown, a bar, a girl, a DRINK, her place, weed, talk, leave. across lAND, COLTS NECK now, a trailer, young punks, vodka and pot, stAAY get fucked, long, leave, a basement, no light, we sleep. light. its a nice day, so drive, we pick a girl up, we head to Vermont. dRIVING. get liquor, drink this in car. meet fucker, cripple, and j in ludlow vt. straight into high mountains. we all get get fucked, recklessy drive quads, burn food, and burn through liquor, and it rains, with no shelter. light comes, and we come down from the mountain. we go to caves, waterfalls, and gorges, we swim. we go to general; stores full of liquor and meat, we stoc=k up. @ home we cook @ home we drink. a large fire ensues, i set the lawn on fire with a flaming 6 gallon gas can. fuck this. sleep. next day. SARAtOga, NY. A LUnch... somewhere. fuck the tailgate party for PEtT\y. We beaM south. I get out at the nearest train station, head to the farthest southern point. drive into the beach now. eat. hot tub. drink. drunk. mmmmmmmm its all the same.,;sdfnjioj9- ia rej9-8 t4
yeah whatever that means
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