Venting, AKA Portland Sucks.

The fucking fog is really rolling in tonight. You know, this Portland weather really is a bitch. It never lets up, it's just a procession of sadness that suitably suits the dwellers of this northwestern anus of America. But hey, they like it, and that's fine.... for them. Personally, it's just not for me. I haven't been steeped in this elixer of mediocrity long enough that some of these Portlandites call home. I mean sure, that's cool for them, they "dig it... man". Fuck, it works for them, I guess I've seen "better"; but I do know better. I always hear that same dumb fucking argument, "Oh, hey man, I've traveled, I've seen it all, but it's, like... here man.". Fuck off. Call me an asshole,[and I'm sure you will (well if you like Portland at least)] but I have more knowledge about real life in my pinky than this fucked off Portland majority has in there narrow minded coffeeshop loitering, getting drunk to ignore reality minds. Sorry, but if you're sentinent, c'mon?!?! And if you actually like this place, or were lied to about it as was I and then became brainwashed into their 'society', you'll probably scream blasphemer! But hey, calm down, this is just how the truth works my frineds, it's not always pleasant. In reality--from what I've gathered--we just have a congregation of the rejected here, and they're just trying to make a 'society' in to which they can fit into. And, fuck it, I guess that's fine for them. Hey, if it didn't work for you anywhere else, I guess you've found your mediocre mecca; it is here by the way. But, for those of us of sound mind, this is bullshit. Us regular folk that were lied to about this flagship of dejected high school scenesters have gotten the fuck out, or are going to shortly, or are wishing we could, and the cool locals have moved into the mountains or across the river. This little society that you've built for yourselves is a joke and we know it is boys and girls, which you are, children that is, because adults would move on and not try to get back at the 'cool' kids from high school and do the same things to them that they did to you. OK, over and out. And I'm sure you'll make fun of 'over and out' and all of the other things I've said because the fearful just ridicule what they fear. Goodnight, enjoy your disturbia.
This isn't a real city. And I'm not there, I'm gone.
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