Goodbye 2005. Hello 2006.

Shit is blurry. My brain is fried. I have no idea what to do. Since Christmas my scene has been awash with binge drinking and flagrant drug use.
Christmas was a bit much. I really wasn't planning on doing much, just little dinner with a friend from back east. However, sometime around three, my neighbor comes by with her new dog and a friend of hers. The next thing I know, we've had about ten shots of booze apiece and several whip-its. About an hour later my friend from back east comes through and says " hey man, sniff this". So now I'm drunk, fried from the nitrous, and tweaked out. We went to pick up some girl, and then brought her back here. Finally it was time to make dinner, which to say the least, in our altered state did not go very well. Shortly after, my friend left, and the girl and I stayed up until six smoking glass, doing whip-its, and drinking.
Somewhere in this hazy bubble I began a 12-day winter session Calculus course. I never even passed a Algebra course, and I have no idea what the fuck is going on. It's three days into it, and I haven't even turned in one homework assignment, I took one quiz which I failed, and cut the last class. What for? Just to get really drunk. I was sitting here, attempting to do work for the class, and my neighbor comes by, she asks me if I want to hang out, have a few drinks, I say "Of course". Next thing I know I'm waking up to her loud ass alarm at five-thirty in the morning, she gets up to take a shower while I lay in her bed and curse myself, but I tell tell myself I'll still go to school. I come back to my place to find my door wide open, with music blasting, and luckily I had not been robbed. Then I make myself some breakfast, watch a TV show, lay in my bed, say "fuck school", and decide to sleep all day instead.
When I wake up the sun is setting. Some friends just got back into town, so we decide we'll round up a bunch of people and hit the bars. Before we go, another friend comes by my place early, we have about four drinks apiece chased with some whip-its while he tells me a funny story about how he worked a party at Jenna Jameson's place a week earlier. I'm slighty faded by the time our ride gets here, and they decide we should get some dinner at the bar before we go to another bar, over the course of dinner I had two red bull/vodkas and a couple shots, for dessert we had about three more shots. It was finally time to go to another bar. We get there and run into another group of friends who are as fucked as we are. So we have a few more rounds of shots with them. At this point we realize how much money we're wasting by drinking this much at the bars and I tell the group I went out with to go to the liqour store, buy a couple bottles and we'll have drunken karaoke at my place. When they leave, I slip away with the other group of people and tell them I'll be home shortly. Ended up going to this Irish pub and doing an inordinate amount of Car-bombs. A couple of friends and I leave, hail a cab, and the cabbie has the balls to charge me ten dollars for a 4 minute cab ride. At my place many more shots are consumed, many whip-its, and I think a couple joints too. When I wake up the next day whip-it canisters are scattered all over my apartment and outside of my apartment too.
After cleaning up the evidence of whip-it use from the front yard, I run into my downstairs neighbor who gives me a six-pack of beer to start the day off with. I bullshit with him for awhile, drink some more beers, and take a shower. Shortly after, some other friends come by and I drink some champagne with them (it being New Year's Eve and all). Everyone's getting ready to go to this party that I had been blacklisted from because one of the roommates at the house it was being held at has a personal problem with me. So they all say they'll being coming over to my place after midnight. I expect to do nothing until then, but much to my suprise, my neighbor isn't doing anything either. So her and I end up hanging out, going through our usual spiel of drinking, minor drug use, and fooling around. We got so fucked up on liqour and valium we almost passed out on the floor before midnight. But we got motivated, took the dog for a walk to the liquor store, and got stuff for more shots. By the time midnight rolled around we were pretty fucked up and some interesting things happened. An hour or so later everyone came through here and then we really started drinking. This is when things started getting fuzzy. Near the end of the night I do remember drinking some psychedlic brew with my downstairs neighbor and puking it up immediately afterword. Then some weird dude walks into my place, my friend invites him in, then the dude rolls up three joints, I give him two shots of the psychedlic brew. After a bit he starts acting really fucking creepy, and we end up kicking him out. The next thing I know I'm lying in bed naked, hugging a pillow, and it's light out.
That would be today. During which, I've accomplished nothing, except cleaning the riduculus mess in my apartment, and making dinner. What I should've been doing and still should be doing is trying to work on my Calculus class, you know, like learning how to do it, and trying to do the homework. Luckily I don't have class tommorrow, but I'm going to the Fiesta Bowl (got four free tickets), we're going to start partying around 11am, kickoff is 2.30pm. Oh christ, we assuredly will be fucking lit up tommorrow. I guess the game ends around six, but we won't stop drinking. Plus, I got a call earlier from a couple of friends who are leaving town in a couple weeks for Chicago, and I told them I'd party with them tommorrow night because it seemed like the best time to do it considering the serious effort I need to drop into this Calculus course over the next couple weeks. That being said, tommorrow should be my last hurrah until this class is over, because I really need to pass it. I can't take any more classes for my major until I finish this one, so it's do or die with this shit. Until it ends, I need to book up, stay sober, and devote my life to school. What the fuck? Do I really have to do that? Fuck.
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