Mexican Precursor... (part 1)

Saturday night, getting ready to go out, watching the tail-end of the Patriots game with a couple friends. This is when Craig says "Let's get the fuck out of Dodge for a couple days." I ask him where he wants to go, "Grand Canyon, Mexico, wherever, just out of Phoenix for awhile." We check the weather at the Grand Canyon, it's snowing, so that's out. Mexico it is then, Puerto Penasco on the northern coast of the Gulf of California to be exact. We make some half-assed plans to leave in approximately twelve hours, he goes home, and I go out. I go to the Cue Club to meet up with a few friends, take a few shots, drink some red bull/vodkas, talk to some girls, grab Jack, and leave. Once gone, Jack and I head to Rula Bula for some Car-bombs and black and tan. We proceed to get more fucked up, Jack busts my balls about some girl, and we talk about travel. Then Stephanie is calling, "Hey, there's a bunch of us at the Loft, come down." One more Car-bomb , and we're gone. We get to the Loft and it's packed, some band is playing. Then I remember I left my bank card at the Cue, I try to call Matt and tell him to bring it on his way, but no dice, I've got to walk back. I leave, grab the card, grab Matt, and it's back to the Loft. By now the band is going full swing and Jack is hitting on some skanks at the bar. I come by, get another Red Bull/vodka and tell him "You must be wasted, because those bitches are ugly." By this time everyone's pretty fucked off, I go out on the porch to smoke, and then some girl gives me a free pack of cigarettes. I check my watch and realize I'm about to miss the last bus home, so I slip out of there without saying goodbye to anyone. Get on the bus, get off the bus, hop a few fences and I'm home. However, I go to Carmen's apartment in my complex. We end up smoking some black tar heroin, chill for a bit, and then I'm out. When I get back to my place my friend Benny from back east who is essentially living on my couch for a few days asks me if I want to smoke a joint... we do. Then I go across the hall where a few friends are hanging out, we drink more and bullshit for awhile, during which I tell my broke friend Jim that I'll front him the Pesos if he wants to come to Mexico with us, he accepts. After that, in my drunken, high, stoned, etc. state I eat a bunch of food from the fridge, and then try to get some info on where I'm going in few hours, but to no avail. So I crash hoping I'll wake up for Craig when he gets to my place shortly.......................
I've got shit to do at the moment, so part two will come later.........
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