stuck in here

I feel trapped... I feel like I'm in a waiting room of sorts. I need OUT. Since Sunday I've been locked away in this barren town... in this barren house. I thought it would be all right, I thought I could use a break. It seems I only needed a day or two. I thought that after the months of non-stop abuse, that perhaps it was time to relax for a stretch, maybe even months of relaxation. How wrong I was. Slowing down is for pussies. So, here am I, bored out of my fucking mind. I'm pacing the house, chain-smoking, and becoming eccentric. Well, I feel that I've laid low long enough after the events of the past weekend. I'm getting out. Tonight or tomorrow; but out. Maybe I'll leave tonight, and stop at an old friends house in central Jersey, then leave there in the morning on my way to NYC. Or, I'll wait until tomorrow, and take the train straight up to NYC for the plans I have there then. Either way, this laying low shit needs to end. I'm going to explode back into the scene, and keep going until I hit the wall. And I'm not talking about running a marathon. I'm talking about a partying, drinking, drugs, and sex type of marathon. Preferably until next Sunday or Monday, continously, and with no sleep. Lets go....
there will only be one chick you are gonna have crazy sex with in the next 5 days and thats me
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