sparks fly on E street

yeah.. let me tell ya.. i kinda ran into this guy here, well, the way i met this cat, it was like... i don't know if i should tell ya, it's like three in the morning, three-thirty right, in Asbury Park, and uh, all the bars closed, all the bars closed down, and ah, it was a night, it was a night like last night, except it was raining like crazy, like the wind was blowing, it was raining, and I was at, you know down by the Prince, I was down by this place called the Prince, and I was walking down the street, and there's nobody else out on the street, there's the wind, the rain's coming down, and I got my jacket, my other one, this is my fancy jacket, but I got my other jacket, all bundled up, hustling down the street, and way.. about three blocks down, you know way down the street I see this.... this, this form coming towards me, right, so its gets a little closer, and there's this cat, you know, and he's getting a little closer, and I say well, I don't wanna take any chances, I'm gonna... so I crossed the street, I didn't walk on the same side, and when I crossed the street, he crossed the street, so.. I tried to make believe I didn't notice, and I tried to nonchalantly cross the street again, he crossed the street again, he's getting closer all the time, and about a block away, this guy... I mean it's windy, it's like 80 mile per hour gale force winds, right, and um, and down there on the street here comes this guy, dressed in a white suit, right, with a walking stick, a cane, a white hat, with a hundred dollar black leather coat thrown over his shoulders, walking real slow in my direction, so, um, we get closer, and we got closer, and we got about half a block away, and I was getting pretty scared so I jumped in the doorway, and I figured I was gonna stand there and let him pass me by, and this guy walks up, stands right in front of the doorway where I'm standing, right, puts out his hand, you know, so I took all the money out of my pockets, threw it on the ground, took my coat off, threw that on the ground, this guy didn't budge right, didn't budge an inch, just standing there with his hand out, diamond studded cane, so, slowly, I sort of eased my hand down to his, slowly I eased it down, and um...and when we touched... sparks light on E street, when the boy prophets walk it, handsome and hot, the little girls' souls grow weak when the man-child gives them a double shot, them schoolboy pops pull out all the stops on a friday night, and them teenage tramps in skin-tight pants do the E Street dance and it's alright, well there either dancin' or hooked up in a scuffle, dressed in snakeskin suits packed with Detroit muscle, doin' the E Street shuffle, well E Street brats in twilight dual flashlight phantoms in full star stream, well down fire trails on summer nights chasing little blondies pledged sweet 16, well Power 13 said the heat's been bad since he gave a trooper all he had in a late summer scuffle, and Power's girl, Little Angel, she's out there on the corner keepin' those crazy boys out of trouble, Little Angel steps the shuffle like she ain't got no brains, she's deaf in combat way down, oh down on Lover's Lane, she drives all them local boys insane, Little Angel says, "Oh, everybody form a line Oh, everybody form a line", sparks fly on E Street when the boy- prophets walk it, handsome and hot, all the little girls' souls grow weak when the man-child gives them a double shot, Little Angel works at Easy Joe's, a joint where all the riot squad goes when they're cashin' in for a cheap hustle, but them boys are forever out there on the corner, loose and lazy, listening to the radio, and doin that E Street Shuffle, as them sweet summer nights turn into summer dreams, Little Angel picks up Power and he slips on his jeans as they move on out down to the scene...having a party...having a party......having a party......having a party..............
-the boss
o dude, i love you
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