Dirty Bombs

Back on track. Also, back on, the track. Money to be made, is being made. I've been back in New Jersey for about a month now; seems longer. Already have my second job, well I quit the first one, not enough money and I didn't feel like being a chef again. Yes, I spent my first week here eating, drinking, sunning, and saw some girls. One week: got a gut, got too drunk, got a sunburn, got laid. For my second week I decided to get employed. I got a job cooking at this Thai/Caribbean/Southwest fusion place down the street from me. The staff was laidback, the commute was nice, and the food was cool. However, the hours and the pay was not up to par. You know, I'm here to make money, not to further my cooking career in a place six blocks from my house. Third week: I quit the job, get a new job, a better job, a much higher paying job, got a BMW, I got out of Normandy Beach, got money, got new clothes, got my credit card payed off, got on my way. I've re-applied to ASU, and plan to start in a couple months, I know it's soon, but I can already afford it. So, I will stay here for another six months, because this is working for me, for now. I'll take three classes online for the fall, then I'll take the final five at ASU, in Tempe, in the spring, in person. Then this New Jersey interlude will end.
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Bear is making strides, he's a mover and a shaker. Never thought Id see the day, but here we are. if i were man and you a dog i throw a stick for you. Congratulations are in order.
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