
Silence in the dead of night; outside, in good weather. I prefer it when it's quiet like this. Especially here, it seldom happens. But when these rare moments occur in the center of the valley I relish them. Away from the parties. Away from the sex. Away from the booze. Away from the drugs. Away from all the nonsense. Sometimes it feels like it never ends. But when these moments occur it all feels like it comes together and we garner our time to reflect. It enables us to sit idly on our back porches with a cigarette and strong drink in tow. And say fuck it, sometimes that's all we need; all we desire. As fun as these bloody, shitty kicks can be, it's just every once in a while when we can appreciate the simplicity of solitude, drink, and smoke. So, I just made some homemade frybread that blew my socks off. On top of that I linked it up with a fried burger slathered in Thai chili sauce and cilantro. Mouth orgasms I tell you; not to be missed. Now I hear the birds chirp and I question what time it is, yet I'm quite sure I don't care. So I take another pull off of my Vodka, and light another Marlboro. As my reflection continues I'm quite sure that this is one of those times that a transition is in effect. I care not to speak on what it's about at the moment, but sometimes you just know. I'd like to think it's for the better, but I also don't know. All I'm confident in is a change. Not a sea change, just a nudge.
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