.PromiseD LanD.

Tonight was just drunk. I haven't been drunk in at least a week, and when I was it was with Ileana in New York. I haven't seen her in a while and it was weird when I did. The last night I saw her we went to see Gonzo at the Angelika in the village. We drank Jack Daniels in our seats and fell asleep before the film ended, and so soundly we did, that it was a perfect transition from sleep to the usher waking us up and leaving, it was seamless. I woke up feeling like HST incarnate for a moment until we stepped into the Bowery Electric where CBGB used to stand. This short period though was calming as hell. Then the B.E. killed it. That whole week was nice though; wouldn't think it would be, but it was. The first few moments; odd. The last few moments; odd. But the in between was just as it always was; bliss. The post moments wre something new however, no need to speak on it; prefer not to.
I mean I'd prefer to get away. You know. I Just want to get the fuck out. Just out of here, y'know. I mean FUCK NJ, it's you know... the wackness... as one would say fifteen years ago, while smoking a joint, downing valium, and slugging a whiskey on the rocks in an NYC bar whilst hitting on an eighteen yr. old girl... y'know, like those old times... I miss her, those times, those ways of being. y'know,,, free. but it's all BS, just a little of drunkeness, with a dash of idealism. The times we had were fun but I was done growing up, and she was just getting started. Now my dormancy has ended and I'm ready for 3.0, whatever that may be(jk.i.kw.u.wl.fd.ot.sn.mr.en.az)
These new Nikes slip across the doorway I try to hold up on. It's all a realistic sham, you try the bullshit ones we try to conceive, but you always just want to be deceived, i love a blonde fireball thAT WILL never love me back, like a highschool nerd loves the head cheerleader. Silence fAlls upon this valley though at the mo... I shall return, my glue will be a magnet....
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