Time Is Tight

I hate you. You hear it, and you know that's not what it means. You could just play it back in reverse. Four months is not a long time. I hear that, and I know that's what it means. There's a test I should be taking right now, but I'm just not. My mind is drawing me away from it, away from what I know needs to be done. I'd rather be doing this, I'd rather be doing anything but. I'm on the brink of failing the most important class of my degree, and I don't care. Yet I still manage to get A's in all the other classes.
Ding-dong, this fucking text machine they call a phone won't shut up. No, I don't want to hang out with you, I no longer have the stomach for it. That's the thing about some people, they just won't fucking get it. They enjoy the abuse, thrive on it. I just feel sorry for the poor bastards, while concurrently loathing and disrespecting them. All women are different, this is something that needs to be understood. Generallizing a whole sex can be a mistake, now sure, there are types, class sets, but fundamentally they are all different. Obviously these differences are subtle, but one must understand them, it can make or break you. Beyond that, there will be many a time when you think there is a certain one you want, but you could be dead wrong. You have to know your types for this one. Then once you have what you want you can begin to explore the differences I spoke of earlier. Here is a quote that I like on the subject:
"There were no judgements to be made, yet out of necessity one had to select. Beyond good and evil was all right in theory, but to go on living one had to select: some were kinder than others, some were simply more interested in you, and sometimes the outwardly beautiful and inwardly cold were necessary, just for bloody, shitty kicks, like a bloody, shitty movie. The kinder ones fucked better, really, and after you were around them a while they seemed beautiful because they were."
This is true. Kindness and soul are essential. Otherwise it will just be vapid and time consuming. I don't really know where I'm headed with all of this. It is not what I was trying to say. It's just that I keep getting these texts, and it reminded me of the abuse some are willing to take. Also, I have other thoughts about someone else, so I guess it just made me think of the dichotomy of women.
Four months off. Four fucking months. I don't know. There is just way to much shit to get done in this time frame. I may have to ask for an extension.
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