Bitch, I'm Broke

I am so broke right now. I mean this in the literal sense. As in I have zero dollars. Not like when someone says "Oh, I'm so broke right now man." but they still have enough money to pay their bills. I don't even have that. All I got is two pennies and a ball of lint. I am worth nothing. I'm actually worth negative six thousand, six hundred, and fifty dollars. That's some nice debt right there. I don't even have a job either. No income coming in; well my roommate gave me twenty bucks yesterday. I then proceeded to piss said twenty bucks away at two bars in two hours, and at both bars drinks only cost a dollar. The only thing I have to rely on at this point in time is my uncanny ability to always land on top and never get fucked. No matter how fucked things can seem to get, I have always in the past manipulated the situation in my favor. I will survive this. Yet, I would like some extra money coming in, y'know, a bit more than I need to get by. I'm starting to miss going out and frivelously spending cash. However, I'm going to wait to fix my dire financial straits. The next three weeks of school are going to be a steaming pile of horse shit. I have two term papers, two semester projects, a few final exams, plus a slew of quizzes and busy work to wade through. I'm not going to look for gainful employment under such conditions. But there is that issue of rent and bills to deal with; I'll get that money, somehow.
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