Disappear Here

As we prepare to get on the 405 freeway at dusk something is amiss; I just know it. She tells me that nowadays people are afraid to merge onto the freeway. I always say just go. Once in the death gridlock I see the billboard; DISAPPEAR HERE. It all just seems so right within that moment. My veins are charged; electric. I know that feeling. I know what it means; it means it's time to go. It's time to get the fuck out. First just to get past the endless traffic jam only to see the bloody corpses on the pavement, but after that you still need to keep going. I know this really means for Bobby to disappear here. When I go, it will all go with me. I've left this void before; it's nothing new. Now it's just a matter of when. It's just a matter of how long. Where will I disappear to?
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