What ever happened to weekdays? What happened to the day or two of rest? For me this week was not one of those weeks.
Monday. I woke up late, since I went to bed at six the previous night. There was some productivity here though. I cleaned my apartment, and I think I did a good job too. Hell, I even did the bi-annual cleaning of the kitchen floor. Shortly after I finished, Layla came by and we chilled for a bit. A little while after she left, Nancy came by. She wanted to apologize for the other night, for when her and Casper dragged Britney out of my bedroom. She explained it was just a misunderstanding, and that her and Casper were sorry. In the middle of her apology, Clark walks into my apartment. Now, Clark is the guy who used to date Britney and is the father of her unborn child. It seems he had been given some misinformation as well, because he was pretty pissed. He then threatened me in a fit of anger, punched a hole in my wall, and left. Very exciting. A little while after that, Layla and I got some beers, and drank them out in the hallway. Derik came by with some girl, and Layla went to bed. Derik, his new friend Dee and I spent the rest of the night drinking, smoking hookah, watching Chappelle’s Show and Go. They finally took off around six, and I slept.
Tuesday. I went to school. I called Bonnie during class to see if we were still going out on Saturday. She can’t, she says that she had promised a friend of hers that she would go to his show that night, and had forgotten about it when we made plans the previous Friday. She asks if I want to do it on Friday, I can’t, as I was planning to go to First Friday downtown. We agree on a Sunday lunch. School’s out, I come home. I had Felicity coming over that night, so I figured I’d kill some time until she came. I drank beer, I wrote last weeks post on here, Layla came by for a bit, Felicity is late, an hour and a half late, I make a cheeseburger, and she gets here. We try to hold out on the sex for a fun little game, and to see who will break first. So, we watch Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me. After that, we score some burritos next door. We come back, eat our food, and then drink some Port. After relaxing on the balcony with our Port for a bit, we crack on the sex game and head into the bedroom. When the sex is over, we spend the rest of the night relaxing.
Wednesday. Felicity and I wake up around ten. She made me this great little breakfast from eggs and some random things in the fridge. She had to get going early, to go and baby sit for her cousin, so she was out by eleven-thirty. An hour after that Crystal is picking me up for lunch at Ra. When I get in the car, the first thing she asks me is “Do you want a bump?” Lunch was good. Tuna and Yellowtail Sashimi, Tuna Maki, Sake, Vodka, and Cocaine. Very healthy. When I get home, Felicity comes back over with her cousin because she forgot her necklace. I pull her onto the bed and start kissing her for a minute, but she says she has to go, because her cousin is waiting downstairs, whom she insists I meet before they leave. I nap for a few hours before Carmen is knocking on my door. We hang out for about an hour, listening to music, and taking shots of Vodka. She asks me if I want to go to a Jimmy Buffet show with her in a few weeks, and if I may want to go the Vine later on that night. Then she leaves to go out to dinner with an old boyfriend who wants to talk. Not too long after she goes, I get a text message from Bonnie; “My life is upside down, I can’t do Sunday.” I respond and try to reschedule, but no response. What the fuck? Around midnight, Derik is calling me up to see if he can come by for a few beers; sure. Ten minutes later, he’s knocking on the door, but when I open it, it’s not him, it’s Carmen. When I go to close the door, Derik comes through it before I close it all the way. Carmen was drunk, and kept saying how she hurt her foot. We all started to drink the beers, Carmen and I also took some shots of Vodka. We all had a pleasant conversation for a while, but then Carmen started to verbally attack Derik. Not yelling or anything, but just kind of making fun of him. Derik held on though, and Carmen eventually stopped. Shortly after that, Carmen abruptly got up without saying anything and went home, as is sometimes her style. Right before Carmen left, Layla had called me up and asked if her, Nadine, and another two girls could come by soon and drink some beers; so we had that look forward to. In come Layla and Nadine lacking the two extra girls. What the fuck? The four of us hang out for a while, finishing the new batch of beers they brought over. Derik leaves us after a while. We hang some more, listening to some new music, and then some old music, before heading over to the Orange Store where Nadine’s husband works the graveyard shift. We chill there for a bit, I read the New Times to check the upcoming gigs, then Nadine catches a cab home, while Layla and I walk to the burrito spot to get some food. We eat back at my place and then she goes home since it was 6am by now. I throw on the Daily Show, and get about halfway into it when I hear a knock at my door. Carmen. Carmen and I start taking more shots of Vodka, smoking pot, and rolling around on the floor. This goes on for a few hours until we put American Psycho on, and pass out about twenty minutes into it. I wake up to the DVD menu and Carmen asking me if I wanted to get into the bed with her; of course.
Thursday. 1pm. Knock. Knock. KNOCK. Carmen’s waking me up; “Someone’s at the door.” Shirtless, I stagger to the door looking like hell. It’s the Safeway man with my weekly cigarette and liquor delivery. While we’re loading the booze onto the counter, and I’m signing the paperwork, Carmen slips out and goes home. I go right back to sleep, completing discarding my scholarly responsibilities for the day. I wake up around 6pm. About an hour or two after that, Felicity is calling me up. She tells me that she just got into a fight with her father and asks if it would be okay for her to come over. Naturally, I accept. About an hour later she makes her way over here, she comes in upset, and I attempt to console her. Then I go out to the store to buy some Pepsi, so I can make her one of her favorite drinks; So-Co and cola. We have a few drinks, and then Derik calls me up. He says, “It’s mohawk time Bobby… I’ll be right over.” When he gets here, he wants me to give him a mohawk with my clippers; since I was a little drunk, I asked Felicity to do it. So they did that in the bathroom while I checked on them every few minutes, haphazardly tacked some random pictures on my kitchen wall, and ripped the oven hood off the wall. When they were done, we all walked over to Tut’s so Derik could show everyone there his new haircut. After sitting there for a bit, Felicity and I walked back to my place while Derik gave someone a ride home. Derik rushes back to my place so we can get to the Rogue before closing, now Felicity is nineteen, which presented a problem, but we were going for it anyway. When we pull in, we notice that someone is working the door, so Felicity opts to stay in the car while we have a few drinks, because it seemed pointless to try. After being in there a few minutes, two girls start to talk to me and Derik, also offering me a shot of Jager. Right after that, we notice Felicity right behind us. She saw that the doorman walked away for a minute, so she took her chance, and came in. I bought her a drink, and then the two girls asked Derik and I to dance. I didn’t want to, but he wouldn’t go if I didn’t, so I went out there with them for about thirty seconds, and left them. After another drink, we left. Back at my place, I think we watched some movies. Felicity and I were in and out of the bedroom a few times. We talked of going to Harlow’s when it opened, but that was two hours away. We figured we’d just sleep for a bit and go around noon. Felicity and I stayed in the bedroom, while Derik watched a movie. Sleep.
Friday. 11am. Knock! Knock! Knock! “Bobby!” Knock! Knock! Knock! “Bobby!” I quickly throw on some clothes and head to the door, while Felicity and Derik are questioning what the fuck is going on. It was Emel. And, I hadn’t seen her in quite some time. She was just stopping by to say hi, and to see how I was doing. I asked her if she wanted to come to the bar with us later, she said she couldn’t, but maybe next week. It was good timing anyway, because it was about that time to go to Harlow’s. We have breakfast; Derik and I, Felicity has nothing. Then we spend the next three hours going to several thrift stores. Derik wanted to put together an outfit for the club he was going to later, while Felicity and I just looked around. We all come back to my place and watch some TV for a bit. Derik takes Felicity home, and I cross the street to meet some friends at the bar. At first, it’s just Jim and I, then Viki and Ricky come in, and finally Craig shows up. During our time there, we have several drinks. A couple of hours pass, and with my wallet nearing emptiness, I suggest we all head over to my place for some already paid for drinks. On the way in, I text Carmen to see when she wants to go to First Friday. Viki and Ricky only stay a short while, and drive back down to Chandler. After having a few more drinks with Craig and Jim, Carmen responds to my text, saying she wants to go. I walk over to her place to find that she still needs to shower and dress, and that by that time, First Friday would be over. We decide to meet back at her place in an hour and meet the people we were meeting anyway at some gay bar downtown. I come back to my place, Craig says he’s down to go, but he wants to go home first; but he would never show up. Jim goes home. Derik stops in on his way to Tut’s to use some hair gel, and to see if want to smoke with him. I couldn’t, because the time had come to go back to Carmen’s. I return to her place on time, and surprisingly find her ready. We needed to kill some time, so we came back to my place, had a drink, and I made her a Cody Chesnutt CD. By the time we leave, I am officially drunk, and I would only get much more drunk before the night was over. When we get to this gay bar called The Rock, we find a chill scene. We both order Red Bull / Vodkas from our friendly bartender, who was wearing low-rise jeans, with his ass sticking out, and who had decided his nickname for me would be ‘Sexy Bobby’. We drink, we drink some more, then her two friends show up. We drink more, we head into the back, and we all talk for a while. For some reason Carmen and I got into an argument, and I don’t know why. It was here where it was evident that several mini blackouts happened. Things I remember: Returning to the front. Being in the bathroom. Drinking a White Russian. Talking to Carmen; about what, I don’t know. Punching out the mirror in the bathroom. Drinking a Vodka tonic. The bartender hitting on me. Blood pouring from my hand on the bar-room floor. Freeway lights. Jasmine yelling at me in the car. Talking to Faras at the Orange Store. Blood on my pants. My bloody scarred knuckles; hopefully just from the mirror. It was at the Orange Store where things came back into focus. I walked from there to Tut’s. Inside I briefly talk with Derik, and then leave to meet Layla and Jim back at my place. Things go back out of focus. More things I remember: Jim popping in my place, wearing colorful boxers and sporting a huge grin. Derik wandering around my place. Having words with Samir out in hallway about an issue. Knocking on Carmen’s door. Drinking a beer. Layla playing the drums on my back. Things come back into focus again. Derik is out on the couch watching movies. Layla and I are on the bed, playing guitar. Then we lay around for a while, before she goes to sleep. Then Derik and I sleep.
Saturday. We sleep late. Around three-thirty is when we wake up, and I discover both of my knees are banged up. Derik suggests food at Taco Del Mar, but by the time we shower and get dressed, it was near five. So, we decided to eat free at Margarita Rocks. We get out to Mill a little early, so we walked over to the Cue Club; I call Viki and Ricky on the way, and tell them to meet us at Rocks. Quick beer at Cue Club, quick beer at PA Connection, then Margarita Rocks. It was the first time in a while that we had caught Jaime working the bar, which was good, as she is one of my favorite bartenders. We all load up on the free buffet, and start drinking. We all have a pleasant conversation with Jaime for a couple hours, and then Viki and Ricky leave. Derik and I stay for another half an hour before we have to leave, since we were going to the Rogue. On the way to my place, we stop at Tut’s for some quick hookah smoke. I leave early to change, then Derik comes by to change, and we just make the northbound bus. However, the fucking bus stops running in Tempe, so we have to walk out to Mill and get a cab. We get to the Rogue about a quarter after ten, and start drinking heavily. About an hour in, the DJ who just finished his set, sits next to me and we strike up a conversation. He eventually ends up telling me that he has a band, and he thinks I’d make a good lead singer, and then he asks me if I want to do some Coke in the bathroom. Here is where Derik and I split up for a while. I do some blow in the bathroom, and he heads to the stage to dance with some girl for a couple of hours. I end up hanging out with my new buddy in a booth, with him, and some of his friends for a while, then I get more to drink, then I realize I need food. I go next door, and chomp on a convenient store cheeseburger. I come back in, and go on stage to talk to Derik. I find some random girl and we dance around for a while. Derik’s girl wasn’t going to leave with him, so we decided it was time to go. On the way out, I see my new DJ friend and we make plans for later in the week to jam, and see if I’d work as their lead singer. We hail down a cab, and make it back to my place. On the way in, we run into Nadine and Layla; we all go up to my place and drink for a while. Then we go next door to Tut’s to smoke some hookah. Derik passes out there, and later gets up to puke out back. Seth and Tommy come in, we smoke more. Layla and I get up to let Derik back into my place, and invite everyone over on the way out. Her and I drink on the stairs for a while, before going to the burrito joint to meet Seth and Tommy. We all go back to my place, and take candid photos of a passed out Derik before posting them on his Myspace page. Seth leaves. Tommy, Layla, and I go up to her place and play drums and guitar until the sun comes up.