Last Saturday: We throw a raging house warming party. We were able to procure a discount keg of Hefeweizen, and I made a 5 gallon batch of jungle juice. Many people came, drank, and cavorted. Due to my beginning of drinking at 2pm, I was drunk by midnight, and what lasted until 6am only seemed to last two to three hours.
Sunday came and I felt like total shit. I walk over to Chipotle due to my inability to cook. I eat my burrito while I watch a movie. I try to have a beer, it won't go down. I then walk to CVS, because I am still unable to cook. I buy popcorn, chips, and sparkling water. Wolf calls me, so I invite himself, Michele, and Kaila to watch another movie with me. Halfway through the movie Dan and Danny come around, so they all smoke a hookah. The movies ends. They leave. I attempt to finish my homework, and end up not finishing one assignment on time.
Then Monday, what an entertaining day. We decided to finish the keg, which was done in less than an hour. Danny and I then proceeded to drink three liters of jungle juice. Which then lead to hijinks not soon to be forgotten, well at least not forgotten by our roommate Dan. Dan decided to bring a girl over that night. Danny and I decided to bum rush the bathroom and jump in the hot tub completely naked while they were having sex in it. Let's just say that neither one of them were amused. She left. Danny went to bed. I went to the Rogue with Tuesday. Dan did not want to talk to either of us. After the bar I came home, and since I felt bad about the earlier actions of the night, I took Dan to two strip clubs. At Skin, I tell him I'll buy him a lap dance, but it lasts less than two minutes, so I refuse to pay, and am kicked out. Then I take him to Dream Palace, where I buy him another lap dance, and actually pay this time. We come back to the house and Tuesday and I do a little dance.......
Tuesday...What happened on Tuesday? Don't fucking know.
Wednesday.. I remember going to Tops, and getting a variety of expensive beers. Then drinking the beers at the house with James and the roommates.
Thursday. Michele and Amanda come over. We get drunk. Amanda cuts my hair. Tuesday and the roommates come over. Tuesday leaves. I make out with Amanda. Dan and Danny go to Tuts. The girls leave a bit after that. I change into my bellbottoms since Amanda and I dumped drinks all over each other's laps. I then go to meet Dan, Danny, Ramon, and his cute little cousin at Bostons. I'm pretty drunk by now. I finish little cousin's drink, break the glass, and then drink half of her new drink. We leave and head over to Casey's. More drunk now, I steal drinks left on the bar. We run into Genevieve from the night prior at the liquor store, she's with her bearded friend. We all talk for a while, Genevieve and I share the earbuds of my IPod and sing the Stones out loud; people must have thought we were weird. We all come back to the house after that. Danny and Beardo engage in a discussion about his sister. Not sure what Dan does. Genevieve and I talk for a while and realize that both our families are from Staten Island, that we both love Italian cooking, and have much in common. We agree to hang out and make spaghetti and meatballs together. I guess it's 4 or 5 by now and the night ends.
Friday:::: Dan, Danny, and I head to Fibber Mcgee's to catch a band. We're immersed in a full blown cougar den, so I drink bourbon on the rocks. I talk to Andrew as we're leaving and it just so happens he's at the house just over the wall from the parking lot. We have a beer and agree to meet later on. Danny drops Dan and I off at the Tavern to meet Liz. We have a few drinks with Liz and her drunken crew and then realize it's almost two, so we head over to Casey's. After a drink I run into Jasmine, talk to her for a minute and then it's closing time. I go back to the house and make fried rice. Shortly after, Michele, Andrew, and Brad show up. So them, Dan, and myself get really drunk and listen to music all night.
Saturday: I wake up the next day beyond hungover. Dan and I decide to go to Casey's to drink and eat sandwiches. We burn through about five pints and talk about South America. After that we head to Buffalo Exchange and buy two pairs of unusual pants each, then onto to Top's to purchase vodka and whiskey. When we get home, I'm tired and almost fall asleep at the counter, only to be awaken by James knocking at the door. Dan and James go to Tuts after sampling the corn whiskey, I lay about and eventually take a shower. Around ten I walk over to the Cue Club and see Mike outside, we talk for a bit. I go inside, hit Dan on the back of the head, slap Mark's hand across the table, and kiss Jenny hello. But, I only get to stay for a bit because Michele texts saying they're on their way, and Andrew calls with the question "High Life or PBR?" I say "High Life." So I walk back home arriving five minutes late to let Michele, Jaime, Brad, and Andrew in. A few minutes later Cory and Barry show up. Teabags strolls in the front door, Amanda comes in the side door. A while after that Chris and Allen come over, and finally Danny. So what do we do? Drink. Listen to music. Play beer pong. Smoke weed. Get wild. Chris punches out one of our windows. Allen pukes. Cory goes home. Dan gets in the hot tub by himself. Barry runs around demanding to get in the hot tub. Danny goes to bed. The rest of us end up getting laid.