xenon42o: are you in man?
*** Auto-response from stank2k: I am always away from my computer.
xenon42o: got a quick question
stank2k: yeah
*** Auto-response sent to stank2k: Don't ask me nothin' about nothin',
I just might tell you the truth.
stank2k: whats up?
xenon42o: cool
xenon42o: what your homepage url?
xenon42o: i had http://www.m******th.com/~trident/
xenon42o: but it said fuck you
stank2k: do you want the main page
stank2k: or the link gateway?
xenon42o: the one that was ur haomepage
xenon42o: i saw it at matts 3 weeks ago
stank2k: the link gateway then
xenon42o: looked beefed up, wanted to check it
stank2k: http://www.m*****th.com/~trident/gateway/
xenon42o: thats right
stank2k: :D
xenon42o: knew that, kinda drunk though
xenon42o: also talked to Matt about two of going to AMS, March?
stank2k: thats the plan
xenon42o: I'm so down
stank2k: im trying to save up some cash
xenon42o: already have the cash for it
stank2k: i think cory and dan the cow are gonna go.. its possible
xenon42o: matt said something bout the luxury apt
xenon42o: thought you neede at least one girl to get that?
stank2k: i dunno
xenon42o: think it says that on the site
stank2k: im not gonna do the apt
xenon42o: really
xenon42o: bulldog or something else?
stank2k: bulldog
stank2k: the apt sucks you in
xenon42o: real?
stank2k: and walking up those stairs sucks
xenon42o: i got the money for flight already
stank2k: and the apts on the lower floors are real small and shitty
stank2k: E and F are the best apts
xenon42o: 20 euro a night for bulldog is not much to come up with
stank2k: i think thats what it was
xenon42o: its nice to chill
xenon42o: but this time i'm going out much more
stank2k: its 20 euro for the regular rooms right
xenon42o: even gonna weed a couple days so i can party at clubs
xenon42o: 20 euro for the 20 person dorm
xenon42o: bout 25 a piece for a 3 bedroom
stank2k: id rather have a personal 1 bed room
stank2k: cheaper for me and the girlfriend
xenon42o: thats all I need though I could care less about spending money on shit, I just wanna be there
stank2k: yeah
xenon42o: no doubt, as long as I have transport, room, board covered, I'm straight
stank2k: yup
stank2k: smoooooke!
xenon42o: only 7 euro for ag
xenon42o: that could last me 2 - 3 days
stank2k: http://www.m******th.com/~trident/adam/
xenon42o: is this the pimped out guide?
stank2k: yup
stank2k: its still up
xenon42o: i still have it all upstairs
xenon42o: can't forget the spots
stank2k: there needs to be some revisions to the mega map
xenon42o: been learning dutch too
stank2k: awesome
stank2k: i cant wait to try this
stank2k: javascript:OpenWindow('WeedTypesIndex', '392');
stank2k: fuck
xenon42o: u sprekt nederlands?
stank2k: http://www.smokersguide.com/sg/images/smart_weed/hp13_barneys_marijuana.jpg
xenon42o: ik ben drunk
stank2k: i wonder if thats gonna be barneys cup entry this year
stank2k: g13 crossed with hash plant
stank2k: it looks insane
stank2k: thats a medical strain crossed with a resin filled hash plant... ugh
stank2k: outer space
xenon42o: barneys is tops
stank2k: cannabis cup 2003 dvd was posted in xvid format, did you grab it?
xenon42o: grabbed the dvd
xenon42o: watched it
stank2k: cool
xenon42o: deleted it
stank2k: lol
xenon42o: i'm just not that heavy into the weed anymore
xenon42o: when i get back to A'dam the weed will take up a small fraction of my trip
xenon42o: any pics of you on the site?
stank2k: which?
xenon42o: the trident server?
stank2k: www.myspace.com/*******
xenon42o: ur on myspace
xenon42o: lol
stank2k: yeah
stank2k: but i dont comments, and you can view all my friends
stank2k: cant*
xenon42o: u should move to manhattan get a 40k a year job and act like your really cool all the time.
stank2k: lol
xenon42o: dig your hero pic
stank2k: :)
xenon42o: and the minus the milo save cbgb pic